Thursday, 26 December 2013

What More Christmas???

Hello Blogaloos,
Lets not stop the mojo that's flowing this month.
This entry is for my scrap for the boys blog and
a set of photos I've been dying to put on paper.
I love me some Theresa Collins. Her collection makes it so easy
Please partake of the following egg blog photos

Wishing You a Very Blogging Christmas

Hi There Fellow Bloggians,
I hope you all are nursing the traditional Christmas Hangover. Dragging those feet as you clean up the glorious Christmas Mess left by excited children.
I was designated driver so only one glass for me. So I smile when I think of you all. ;-)
In the meant time SANTA did bring me a sewing machine so I have been sewing up a storm on my pages. I also started my first patchwork quilt, just to see if I could.
Lots of firsts this month as this little scrap entry is for @jotmagazine. I have an inspiring girlfriend who is a master? Teacher? Designer? Whatever the term is...
Any who down to business...

Hope you enjoyed this entry. I'm
 a scrapper of boys so these colors are hard for me.
Merry Christmas 
Aj xox

Sunday, 8 December 2013

white with one Challenge

Hello Blogging Blog Readers,
The next little addition to the scrappy blog is My Boy. A little white with one chChallenge I really loved doing this month. (ohh yeah that was a cross blog reference.)
I love a little stitching in any page. Hopefully Santa
 brings me a sewing machine. 

This blog isnt behaving so signing off

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Anyone who's anyone is blogging nowadays

Might as well join the blog craze. So be blogging prepared for some blogging and Scrapping. Because frankly my non scrapping friends are sick of seeing my bloggin FB posts.


So this little bloggin page is for a scrap challenge. I like to indulge in that every now and again for a bit of fun.

Ill blog you soon xox